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Nurseries News Round-Up – Week 69

Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!


Halesworth Day Nursery, Halesworth

The children were all very excited to make their own pizzas.

They picked the topping they wanted and carefully added all these to the pizza wraps.

They then watched as the adult put them into the oven to cook. The children said the pizzas were very yummy!


The children have been exploring the flowers that we picked last week.

They learnt about why the flowers need to be kept in water once picked and also talked about the different smells.

The children also matched their colouring pens to the flowers on the table.


The Appletree, Attleborough

For National White Chocolate Day (Nicole’s favourite!) Bramley Room made raspberry and white chocolate blondies.

The children were asked questions about what ingredients we had and what equipment we would need.

We then measured all the ingredients and mixed them together and put them in the oven.

The children smelt the melted butter, chocolate and raspberries and said they smelt yummy!


This week the Russets have been very excited to collect lots of conkers and acorns from the nursery garden.

The children continued their play inside and took their conkers upstairs and had fun on a tuff tray, adding diggers and tractors to the fun!


The Bramley Room children made their own flapjack in our brand-new baking area.

First, we spoke about the importance of washing our hands before baking and hygiene during baking.

Once Nicole put the ingredients in the bowl, the children mixed it all together until they were able to flatten it down.

Once it was all mixed, the children spooned the flapjack mixture into muffin cases and then flattened it down again so it was ready to bake in the oven.

The children then helped clean up and even wiped the table ready for next time.


The Cornerstone, Martlesham

The children have made Autumn trees using different coloured paints.

The arm represents the tree trunk, the fingers represent the branches and their fingerprints create the leaves.

We spoke about how the leaves start to change colour and fall off the trees in Autumn.


The Barn Owls have been fruit printing lovely pictures using the pears picked from the garden!


The Anchor, Huntingdon

Yee-hee, me hearties! Pirate Week was a blast!

We walked the plank, talked like a pirate and went on many treasure hunts!



Head Start, Ramsey

We continued our theme ‘All About Me!’ with ‘Brush, Brush, Brush’!

The children have shown an interest in brushing teeth. We set up an activity for the children to clean the teeth, using the toothbrushes and crazy foam as toothpaste.

The children explored books about our homes and where we live and who lives in our homes.

The children created lots of different buildings as they played with magnet tiles and Lego/Duplo bricks.

The children enjoyed drawing around each other and the teacher. It's art. It's exploration. It's mindfulness. It's fun!

The children have also been exploring natural resources from flower petals in the water tray, conkers and leaves from the children’s trip to the park.


The Beacon, Rendlesham

Babies were learning about their fruit and vegetables.

They enjoyed trying to feed Dolly a healthy snack, as well as each other.

They also got messy creating artwork using fruit as stamps!


Toddlers and Pre-School joined forces to watch the story of The Hungry Caterpillar.

They then had to decide whether the foods on our cards were healthy foods or sometime foods, before placing them into the correct caterpillar’s mouth.

The children also enjoyed discussing which of the foods were their favourites!

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